Conference Server Network:

    • The Conference Proceeding is a collection of academic papers published in the context of an academic conference or workshop. Conference proceedings typically contain the contributions made by researchers at the conference. They are the written record of the work that is presented to fellow researchers.
    • Organizers of the conference face the challenges to manage the conference manuscript submission, reviewer comments, modification, copyediting, and publication-related issues. CSN helps the organizer manage all these issues easily.
    • The major issue of the conference is the publication of all participant articles, some conferences that tie up with a journal, all the articles reviewed by the conference organizer team, again reviewed by the journal reviewer’s team, and only selected articles published in the journal. The remaining articles not publish anywhere. The researchers not get credit for their work after participating in the conference also.
    • CSN help to solve these issues. The organizer can be published all the articles that participate in the conference in form of a series of issues of conference or conference proceedings.
    • All articles and proceedings will be available online permanently and indexed with different indexing providers (e.g. visualize in Google and Google scholar etc.) with the help of CSN the researchers get credit for their work. With help of CSN, the organizer will be getting their own permanent archive for all conferences they organize.
    • Academic institutions with the help of permanent research article archives will get credit for contributions to the research and development field.
    • CSN provide platform and server space for organizing conference managing online submission, review, modification, notification, issues creation, copyediting, publication, conference website setting, setup customize licensing, indexing, open access option, user registration,  etc.



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