Professional Training for Career Development, Improvement, Counseling, and Awareness Program


Professional Training for Career Development, Improvement, Counseling, and Awareness Program

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    • The skills and trained person always has demand in industries, under this program run awareness program for students and women of rural and urban areas for taking training in Professional Training Courses to get knowledge and skills.
    • Any industry needs skills and trained employees. This program provides skills development by training the person in professional courses, after completing the professional courses that person fulfills the job requirement of industries.
    • In rural areas women and students difficult to get professional courses and skills training because of remote areas. This program helps provide training to them in their remote areas.
    • Under this program,  Professional Computer Courses training is conducted for the candidates to increase their knowledge and skill in information technology. The main objective of this initiative is for rural areas women and students is to provide training in information technology and encourage them to careers in the Industry of Information Technology.
    • Due to the high fees for professional courses in rural areas people face financial problems for professional courses. Even having the intellectual ability for the courses, they are left bereft from the courses because of the high fee structure. This program take initiative to solve this issue and tries to reach all the people having the intellectual ability and provides Training Professional Courses for their better career.
    • This program also especially encourages rural area women and students to join professional training courses to increase their intellectual ability.
    • This program is helps to people increase the skills and knowledge required in the area of industry and get better job opportunities.
    • This program special focus on rural and urban area women’s skill development, development of intellectual ability,  empowerment, and self-independent.
    • This program helps to all the teenagers in rural and urban areas and also provides the guidance for career and skills development at right time. It also helps in the development of intellectual ability in teenagers for skills development during schooling or basic education.
    • This program also help to women for getting business skills and provides guidance to establish a business as per the requirement of rural and urban areas in India. All women and persons trained under the program can help and encourage employment to other people in established businesses.
    • The trained person by this program can provide training to other people in the tribal and rural areas for their skill development. The trained person by this program will be capable contribute to nation-building and progress.



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