Project Report Server Network : 

Seminar Report Server Network : 

The Project is a set of tasks that must be completed in order to arrive at a particular goal or outcome.
The project report is a document providing detail on the project’s overall status or specific aspects of its performance.
Our platform the PRSN is a project report server platform for academic institutions to establish their own project report server for report preparation and publication of their institute students. In the PRSN from scratch to final report all are published from initial state in different version.

Who can take membership in PRSN:

The academic institute of science, engineering, technology, junior college, senior college, diploma, undergraduate, postgraduate, Ph.D., and university, these academic course institutions can get membership in PRSN.

Membership benefits of PRSN:

        • Member institutes get their own project report server on our website with a special link.
        • Allocates unlimited storage space for publishing the content to member institutes.
        • Member Institute does not have any page limit to publish the content.
        • Member Institute can create different subjects or department or year wise in one project report server to categorize the content under the subject.
        • Member Institute can create separate project report servers for separate subjects or department or year.
        • Member Institute can online accept project report submissions, student registration, moderator registration; content publication processes, and publishes the content.
        • In PRSN the project report server publishes one report and is treated as the first version; after publishing one project report the other different versions of the same report by updating or modifying some content by the originator are treated as a new version and mentioned on PRSN.
        • Member Institute creates its own moderator team from their institute teaching staff, they decide to publish all versions, and remark on the submitted content. This team can be used as an editorial team to establish scholarly research journals for the member institute.
        • Member Institute gets their own archive of the all project report research which will be cited in different other new project report and research that helps to develop the intellectual properties in their student.
        • Member Institute through the PRSN helps students to keep the rights of their content credited as the originator of it.
        • Member institutes secure their student content through PRSN at the initial stage which will help them to generate new ideas for products, and also help to register patents, trademarks, and others.
        • Member institutes with the help of PRSN provide guidelines to their students for preparation and publication of their project
        • For all the above benefits Prabodhanam Foundation Team Provide Support and Guidelines to Member Institutes.

The Seminar is a form of academic instruction; a seminar report interprets specific examples and evidence.
The seminar report can be broadly exploratory and it needs to cleave into the work and be treated as a deep analysis.
Our platform the SRSN is a seminar report server platform for academic institutions to establish their own seminar report server for report preparation and publication of their institute students. In the SRSN from scratch to final report all are published from initial state in different version.

Who can take membership in SRSN:

The academic institute of science, engineering, technology, junior college, senior college, diploma, undergraduate, postgraduate, Ph.D., and university, these academic course institutions can get membership in SRSN.

Membership benefits of SRSN:

        • Member institutes get their own seminar report server on our website with a special link.
        • Allocates unlimited storage space for publishing the content to member institutes.
        • Member Institute does not have any page limit to publish the content.
        • Member Institute can create different subjects or department or year wise in one seminar report server to categorize the content under the subject or title.
        • Member Institute can create separate seminar report servers for separate subjects or department or year.
        • Member Institute can online accept seminar report submissions, student registration, moderator registration; content publication processes, and publishes the content.
        • In SRSN the seminar report server publishes one report and is treated as the first version; after publishing one seminar report the other different versions of the same report by updating or modifying some content by the originator are treated as a new version and mentioned on SRSN.
        • Member Institute creates its own moderator team from their institute teaching staff, they decide to publish all versions, and remark on the submitted content. This team can be used as an editorial team to establish scholarly research journals for the member institute.
        • Member Institute gets their own archive of the all seminar report research which will be cited in different other new seminar report and research that helps to develop the intellectual properties in their student.
        • Member Institute through the SRSN helps students to keep the rights of their content credited as the originator of it.
        • Member institutes secure their student content through SRSN at the initial stage which will help them to generate new ideas for products, and also help to register patents, trademarks, and others.
        • Member institutes with the help of SRSN provide guidelines to their students for preparation and publication of their seminar report.
        • For all the above benefits Prabodhanam Foundation Team Provide Support and Guidelines to Member Institutes. 



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